Wednesday, April 23, 2008

the feeling is unexplainable

MUSIC: anyone else but you - moldy peaches

YES... for now

HELLO i had officially updated - -

Lately ive been having these feelings that are very unexplainable.. you guys ask me what is wrong.. i really want to say it.. but there was no words to it.. but today this feeling has officially disappeared.. for some reason i just feel happy today and felt wanted in a way that is unexplainable hahaha 

currently while writing this .. i feel maybe too excited .. i have no reason why .. my stomach feels like there is butterflies.. and i jus cant stop smiling hahaha... so i guess the only way for me to update this is wen im emo haha cause then i will have more to say.. but i know you guys had waited long enough for me to just put up one post.. so this is why i am updating in a happy time hehehe  

Friday, April 11, 2008


YES or NO??
"do i really feel that way.. towards you?"

spring break is almost over .. i felt like i didnt do shit... why did last spring break seem so much longger?.. i wish we can just live free and be with the ones you love everyday... life is so short... why couldnt we live on forever...

This spring break was such a failure.. why...
cause time is my enemy

It bothers me how i cant tell you the truth.. cause i know it will hurt you so much.. but its best if you didnt know... ><

hrmm... ok all that shit was very random.. but i just wanted to say it "outloud.."

why is it so hard for me to find "the one" .. maybe i just need to start meeting new people.. i feel like i havnt met enough new people.. cause i have not found my "one".. how can i meet new people.. >< ... ahh i never even exactly have a real boyfriend.. i just wish to feel love by someone


err.. i think my post does not make sense... theres so much i want to say but its so hard for me to say.. all i can do it try to express it in the stupidest way.. so just ignore my gayness...

Sunday, April 6, 2008


"How do you know if you like someone?"
^ Question asked by Ms. Jodie Lau of Diamond Bar.

Answer: When your heart gets butterflies whenever you talk to him (or her, but for here I'm going to use him), or is it butterflies in the stomache o_O? When you go online, you check if he's online and then patiently wait for him to im you, when you feel like .. okay fuck that i don't know

HELLO WORLD~ Joanne here! Jodie is in back of me dying my hair a very luscious, beautiful color called *Put color here*. But it'll probably turn out the wrong always does. Spring break has finally started and we began it by....I don't remember. urmm. BUT! Yesterday, urrrrrm. We went to jessica's place and had a barbeque & Jodie stayed upstairs most of the time. The highlight was definitely the good food (not including those nasty smoothies used for shot games) & rock star? THEN.. after i went home, jodie went with james to andy's to win ten dollars and play with condoms. i cannot further explain because i was not there. readers, you can only imagine. ;) ;)
today, she "hung out" with her day. ^_^ is that not super cute?! then she called me at around 5. i was sitting in front of my computer wondering what to do after i realized my oven was broken and no delicious home made goodies would be coming out of it any time soon. (kidding) so i came over & we went to cvs for hair dye & shes' dying my hair while i hope that the color will come out right & then um she suggested i write in her blog so i am doing that.
she has pictures to update with! They will come later. .
i am having a very bad butt ache.
let's talk about other stuff!

dear jodie, this will make up for the letter you let me throw away.
i do not know when i like someone but then i think that once you realize you do, and you look back at yourself before you knew it, you'll be like what the! how did i not know, the signs were very clear. i know you want to like someone but are not sure if you do SO let me tell you this, i think that its easier to like someone you spend a lot of time with. or want to spend time with. you can make it happen maha! & then umm you can tell me & be you say. haha i hope that guy "appears" ... as you say. & it will be ballin! as i say. okay i dont think i would say that.. or i dont think that even makes sense. Ah you got it on my ear it was cold omg it smells so weird -_x
     i bet your cousins think its strange that there is music coming from uyour restroom. LOL i would think it is.i see that a lot of hair has fallen out..ew okay no one else better not read this. that sentence came out grammatically incorect.
i dont knwow at to write abouy. please talk to me =)
update pictures later =)
update more! its spring break you have plenty of time (= !
yay okay